
About REDTicket

ALAN YOUNGSON– who retired at age 66 on Independence Day 4 July 2014 – after a 45 year career including 20 years as Artistic Director and General Manager of four Performing Arts Centres in Australia – has re-wired and re-hired himself as Director, Producer, Author and Actor of REDTicket Comedy Theatre.

Alan has had a long fascination and involvement with the POWER of Comedy, Farce, Humour, Satire, Song lyrics, Storytelling, Cartoons, Situations, Costumes, Props and Character Acting with Accents to create LAUGHTER. Role models include: The Two Ronnies, Dave Allen, Peter Cook, Tom Lehrer, Bill Nighy and Rowan Atkinson.

Laughter is still the world’s best and most needed medicine – especially for Seniors, Retirees, Pensioners and Aged Care residents – now living in a very different world and style of humour and theatre shows with which they grew up.

Realising, that there was a comedy style gap in the Live Theatre market, Alan saw the potential for providing clever, witty and humorous live shows for the over 60’s (currently, 22% of the population and growing weekly).

Looking for similar aged comedy collaborators, Alan renewed contact with Janet Findlay, an experienced performer with a similar philosophy of entertaining over ‘60s audiences. In 2016, they co-devised, directed and performed the revue show, Adventure Before Dementia starring the Two Merry Gerry-Atrics and The Babbling Trillbillys. 

Their newest co-authored collaboration during 2017-2018 is Viagara Falls – Sweeten Up! which had it’s world premiere on 23rd February 2019 at Studio 188, Ipswich Queensland, Australia.

It played to 5 sell-out shows and received rave reviews in Stage Whispers – Australia and New Zealand’s monthly magazine (May/June 2019 edition) and the Gold Coast Bulletin weekly magazine, Gold Coast Queensland.

At the suggestion of the American Editor and Publishers of Seniors Theatre Scripts, the co-authors of Viagara Falls – Sweeten Up! have Norther Americanised many of the Australian phrases and terminology. The play is currently under serious consideration for publishing in the 2019-2020 Catalogue of Seniors Theatre Scripts in both America and Canada.

There may also be a change of the title to “The 70 Year Old Virgin” which, apparently, will resonate and appeal to American and Canadian Theatre companies wishing to produce and stage their own production for their North American audiences.

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